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Privacy Policy Forensics is software that reveals the identity of your anonymous website traffic and turns them into actionable leads within a business-to-business environment. As a leading provider of SaaS solutions, we are committed to providing a high calibre data-led solution for all of our clients; as part of that, we take data compliance extremely seriously and are proactive in ensuring the compliance of both the SaaS solutions we provide to our customers as well as ensuring compliance as a business entity in our own right.

The purpose of this statement is to provide information regarding how and why Lead Forensics collect, process and store data, as well as provide the appropriate contact information should you wish to request the information we hold about you, withdraw from processing or request deletion of any data we hold about you.

Lead Forensics Marketing and Sales Data

As an organisation that processes business-related data, Lead Forensics has assessed all six grounds for lawful processing of personal data. It has selected ‘Legitimate Interests’ as the most suitable legal ground for processing Lead Forensics marketing and sales data.

Lead Forensics collects, processes and stores data relating to businesses and decision-makers. We believe we process data about individuals likely to be interested in the Lead Forensics product. Considered ‘Legitimate Interest’, this is based upon specific criteria, including the business industry sector, size of the organisation, and the individual’s job function within the organisation. Our typical segmentation includes marketing, sales, business development, Managing Director and owner-related job functions. This list is not exhaustive, and other variables may apply.

We will only collect, process, and store the essential information required to contact the data subjects within a business environment. The personal data we collect is limited to:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Social profiles (limited to LinkedIn)
  • The business IP address
  • Other business-related data may also be processed, including business name, job function, turnover and business address; however, we will never collect sensitive personal data.

The data collected will be used to communicate marketing and sales messages relating to the Lead Forensics product, based on the data subject’s job function. Lead Forensics specifically only sends messages to those we believe are likely to be interested in the Lead Forensics product based upon the organisation they are employed by and their job function within that organisation. Messages from Lead Forensics could be delivered via email, social media, telephone or any other business-to-business (B2B) marketing methods that may be relevant.

When you send Lead Forensics an enquiry or booking form via our website or one of our microsites, you will be asked to provide your contact details. We will use the data you provide to process your request and may use it to inform you by email, telephone or mail about other Lead Forensics products and services that we feel may be of interest to you; it is deemed that as you have visited the Lead Forensics website and provided us with your contact information that you are legitimately interested in our products and services. You have the right to object from any method of correspondence, using the unsubscribe button on an email, by informing the telephone operator or contacting us via any of the methods below.

All collected phone numbers are checked against the TPS (Telephone Preference Service), and CTPS (Corporate Telephone Preference Service) lists daily. This ensures our team does not contact any individual or business that has registered their phone number on either of these lists.

How we Procure Data

At Lead Forensics, we procure data in various ways, according to the lawful basis of ‘Legitimate Interests’. If you have received correspondence from us, we will have procured your data in one of the following ways:

You have requested information from Lead Forensics on a previous occasion.

Someone has sent us your e-mail address requesting information about our articles and services be sent to you.

You or someone else has expressly shared your contact details to receive information now and in the future.

We have previously met at an event, and your business card or contact details were handed to us willingly.
You or a business colleague has visited our website, and we believe there is a genuine legitimate interest in our services.

You have previously connected with a team member via LinkedIn and discussed our services.

During our communications with you, including via email, we may collect information such as your IP address. We may use this information to improve our responsiveness to our prospects and customers, for example by being able to engage when an action has been taken upon an email we have sent. In addition, we may use non-personally identifiable attributes from the communication, such as the business name.

A team member has found your business and your contact details online, believing that your business would genuinely be interested in the Lead Forensics product. Based upon your job function aligning with our typical customer profiles, they have made contact to introduce you to our product.

Your data has been purchased by a registered third-party data supplier, which will have been segmented by industry, organisation size and job function based on our typical customer profiles. (Due diligence checks around UK GDPR compliance will have been conducted accordingly).

Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA)

Lead Forensics has carried out a Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA). Based upon that assessment, it is deemed that the rights and freedoms of the data subjects would not be overridden in our correspondence regarding Lead Forensics. In no way would a data subject be caused harm by our post. Based upon our segmentation by an organisation and by specific job function, coupled with our processing of personal data within a business environment, we believe that any individual that receives correspondence from Lead Forensics in direct marketing or sales capacity could be legitimately interested in the Lead Forensics solution. It is also deemed that direct marketing and sales are necessary for promoting Lead Forensics to professionals in the business to increase awareness of our SaaS solution in the marketplace.

Per the ICO guidance, Lead Forensics can confirm:

  • We have checked that legitimate interests are the most appropriate basis
  • We understand our responsibility to protect the individual’s interests
  • We have conducted a Legitimate Interests Assessment (LIA) and kept a record of it to ensure that we can justify our decision
  • We have identified the relevant legitimate interests
  • We have checked that the processing is necessary and there is no less intrusive way to achieve the same result
  • We have done a balancing test and are confident that the individual’s interests do not override those legitimate interests
  • We only use individual’s data in ways they would reasonably expect
  • We are not using people’s data in ways they would find intrusive or which could cause them harm
  • We do not process the data of children
  • We have considered safeguards to reduce the impact where possible
  • We will always ensure there is an opt-out/ability to object
  • Our LIA did not identify a significant privacy impact, and therefore we do not require a DPIA
  • We keep our LIA under review every six months and will repeat it if circumstances change
  • We include information about our legitimate interests in our privacy notice

Data Storage and Retention

The data held within the Lead Forensics CRM system is processed and stored in the UK within a secure environment.

Lead Forensics has an in-house data verification team responsible for ensuring the validity and quality of the data contained within the Lead Forensics CRM system ‘Cyclone’. The team continually cleanse the data held within the CRM system, completing an entire cleanse cycle at least once every 12 months. Any out-of-date records are placed into a deletion queue securely purged four times in 12 months.

Call Recordings

All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes in the interest of our employees, customers, and prospective customers. Please see our Call Recording Policy for more information 

Recording of Webinars

Please note that we may record our webinar sessions.
The presenter represents a data controller of personal data recorded in this webinar. The purpose of recording webinars is to provide a referenceable resource for ourselves, our customers and others, allowing people to listen to the webinar recording in the future. The lawful basis for processing is our legitimate interests: to use recordings of webinars to promote our business and provide a valuable resource to interested parties. We recognise that it might also be in the interests of third parties such as the participants in this session or those who wish to review the recording.

You have the right to object to processing based on a legitimate interest, and we would ask you to inform us if you wish to raise such an objection. If you would like us to pause the recording during a session, please let us know, and we will endeavour to respect your wishes. If you subsequently listen to a recording and wish to object to any personal data about you being included in it, please let us know. We will endeavour to edit or erase the recording. You also have the right to request access to and rectify or personal erasure data contained in recordings and the right to restrict processing and data portability in certain circumstances. You have the right to complain to the supervisory authority in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please see the section ‘Your Rights as a Data Subject’ for more information.

We have chosen to deliver our sessions through a video conference platform (e.g. Teams or Zoom), making the platform’s provider a data processor. The processor’s identity will be available when you log into a session. If you are in any doubt, please ask. If we make the recording available on our website, social media, or YouTube channel, other recipients may access it: people we do not know and have no control over. If we transfer the recordings to a third country (e.g. the USA), we will ensure that a lawful mechanism is in place to provide sufficient safeguards under Chapter 5 of the UK GDPR. Details of the securities will be published in the privacy information available on our provider’s website and upon request.

We intend to retain the recordings as long as they are relevant to us/other people. For example, we may arrange future webinars covering the same topics as today’s webinar, which may act as a trigger for replacing the recording of this session with another recording. If you have any questions about how we process personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us via the presenter or by using the contact information detailed below.

Subject Access Request

If you wish to make a Subject Access Request to enact any of your below-listed rights, you can do so by:

Emailing: [email protected]

Or by writing to:

Data Compliance, Lead Forensics, Building 3000, Lakeside, North Harbour, Portsmouth, PO6 3EN.

Additional proof of identification may be requested to verify your identity before disclosing personal data.

We will process and respond to your request within 30 days; this service will be free of charge.

Right of access to data held

Under article 15 of UK GDPR, You have a right to access the personal data we hold on you. If you believe that we are processing your data, you can make a Subject Access Request in regard of:

  • The purposes of our processing
  • The categories of personal data concerned
  • The categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been disclosed.
  • The envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored.
  • The existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of your personal data, the restriction of processing of your personal data, or the objection to processing your personal data.
  • The right to complain to a supervisory authority.
  • Where the personal data was not collected directly from you, any available information about the data source.
  • The existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and any meaningful information about the logic involved and the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for you.
  • Information on the appropriate safeguards that have been put in place when your personal data has been transferred to an international organisation or third country.
  • A copy of the personal data that we process (as long as doing so does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others).

Right to rectification

Under Article 16 of the UK GDPR, Lead Forensics must rectify, without undue delay, any inaccurate personal data if you believe that the personal data we hold on you is incorrect or incomplete. In that case, you can make a Subject Access Request to inform us of this inaccuracy and provide us with the necessary data to correct/complete our data files.

Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

Under Article 17 of the UK GDPR, you have the ‘right to be forgotten’. If you make an erasure request, a minimal amount of your personal data will be kept in our suppression files. This enables Lead Forensics to fulfil our legal obligation under Article 6(1)(c) of the UK GDPR to ensure that you are not contacted again.

If you are not added to our suppression file, there is a risk that your data may be processed again in the future if your details are re-added to our software and our data procurement team. Therefore, we will keep a minimal amount of data (where applicable, name, business phone number, business email, and LinkedIn URL where applicable) in a suppression file with a note to say that you no longer wish to receive communication so that you are not contacted again in the future.
Please enter your details here if you wish to unsubscribe from email communications.

Right to restriction of processing

Under Article 18 of the UK GDPR, you have the right to request that Lead Forensics does not further process your personal data beyond storing it. This can be a useful alternative to requesting erasure. For example, you can ask to ensure that your entire data record is kept in our suppression files but will not be processed for sales or marketing purposes.

Right to object

Under Article 21 of the UK GDPR, you have the right to object to processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

You have the right to object to receiving communication from Lead Forensics. All emails from Lead Forensics include an ‘unsubscribe’ option. If you are contacted via LinkedIn, you can reply to the message to request no other communication. If you receive a telephone call from us, you have the right to request not to receive any further calls verbally. Lead Forensics has a companywide CRM system, and your request to object will be logged to ensure that you do not receive other communication.

Your right to complain to a supervisory authority

Under Article 77 of the UK GDPR, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority if you believe processing your personal data infringes your rights.

The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the supervisory authority.

If you wish to complain to the ICO, you can do so here:

Or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113

For questions relating to this policy, please get in touch with:
[email protected]