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Is Threads Already Dying?

Is Threads Dying?

Just a few weeks ago, the social media landscape was abuzz with the launch of Threads, a new platform that broke records by garnering 100 million user sign-ups within just five days of its launch. However, recent data suggests that the initial excitement may be fading faster than expected.

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The Honeymoon Phase

Threads‘ initial success was nothing short of spectacular. The ease with which Instagram users could create an account on Threads played a significant role in its early popularity. The platform was fresh, new, and exciting, and users flocked to it in droves, leading to peak user engagement statistics that left industry observers astounded.


The Downfall

However, the honeymoon phase appears to have been short-lived. According to data analytics company Similarweb, the number of daily active users on Threads dropped from 49 million to 23.6 million in just a week.

The total daily minutes of use also fell from 21 minutes to just over 6 minutes. When compared to other social media platforms like Twitter, these figures paint a picture of a platform in decline.

Threads App engagement is on the decline

Credit: Similarweb


The Reasons Behind the Decline

So, what led to this rapid decline in user engagement? One of the main criticisms of Threads is its lack of basic features that users have come to expect from social media platforms. The absence of hashtags, trends, a following tab, and a chronological feed has made it difficult for users to fully embrace Threads.


The Company’s Response

Despite these challenges, Instagram’s top executive, Adam Mosseri, has stated that the company isn’t particularly focused on engagement metrics at this stage. Instead, the focus is on “getting past the initial peak and trough we see with every new product and building new features, dialing in performance and improving ranking.”


So, What Next?

In conclusion, while Threads’ initial success was impressive, the platform is currently facing significant challenges. The rapid decline in user engagement is a cause for concern, and it remains to be seen whether Threads can overcome these hurdles and secure its place in the competitive social media landscape.


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