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Do say…

✅ “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today.”

Starting the call with a “thank you” conveys genuine appreciation for the lead’s valuable time. Expressing gratitude from the outset creates a positive atmosphere and sets the stage for a respectful and engaging conversation.

This simple act of politeness can build rapport, demonstrate professionalism, and differentiate you from other salespeople. It establishes a foundation of respect and openness, encouraging the prospect to share their needs and challenges more freely.

Ultimately, it lays the groundwork for a productive and successful interaction.


✅ “I noticed that your company recently achieved [mention recent achievement]. Congratulations!”

By acknowledging recent achievements or milestones of the lead’s company, you demonstrate a personalized and thoughtful approach to the conversation. It shows that you have invested time in researching their business and are genuinely interested in their success.

This small but powerful gesture can create a sense of validation and appreciation in the prospect’s mind. It also sets the stage for a more meaningful discussion as the prospect realizes that you are not just following a generic script, but have taken the effort to understand their unique situation.

By showing genuine interest, you build trust and rapport, making the prospect more receptive to exploring how your product or service can further enhance their accomplishments.


✅ “I’d love to learn more about your current challenges and goals.”

This conveys a sincere desire to understand the prospect’s unique needs. By explicitly acknowledging their pain points and objectives, you demonstrate empathy and genuine interest in their success.

This approach encourages the prospect to open up and share valuable insights, enabling you to tailor your pitch more effectively. Creating an atmosphere of open communication fosters trust and a collaborative spirit, making the prospect feel heard and valued.

It lays the foundation for a more meaningful conversation where you can offer targeted solutions that address their specific challenges and goals.


✅ “Other companies in your industry have found great success with our offering. Let me share a relevant case study.”

By sharing a real-world example, you substantiate your claims with tangible evidence from satisfied clients. Sharing a real-life success story through a relevant case study illustrates the positive impact your product or service has had on businesses similar to the lead’s.

This approach builds credibility, showcasing your solution’s effectiveness in addressing specific challenges. Prospects are more likely to trust your claims when supported by concrete examples of how your offering has generated positive results for others.

Case studies offer a powerful tool to convince the lead of the value your product or service can bring to their business, making it easier for them to visualize the potential benefits, and increasing the likelihood of conversion.


✅ “Based on what you’ve shared, it seems that [mention their specific pain point]. Is that correct?”

By reflecting back on their challenges, you show that you were fully engaged during the conversation and genuinely interested in grasping their pain points.

This approach helps to establish a strong sense of rapport and trust as the lead feels acknowledged and valued. Moreover, it confirms your ability to identify their unique pain points accurately, positioning you as a perceptive and empathetic sales professional.

This validation encourages the prospect to further open up, leading to a more collaborative discussion where you can offer tailored solutions that directly address their specific needs and objectives.


✅ “Our solution addresses [specific pain point] by [how your product/service solves the problem].”

This shows you understand the lead’s pain points and can offer a targeted solution. By being clear and concise in your explanation, you demonstrate your understanding of their challenges and show how your product or service can provide tangible benefits.

This straightforward approach allows the prospect to envision how your offering can solve their specific problems, making it easier for them to see the value in what you’re proposing. By highlighting the benefits they can expect, you focus on the positive outcomes they stand to gain, further enticing them to consider your solution seriously.

This tailored approach instills confidence in the prospect and positions you as a problem solver, increasing the likelihood of moving forward in the sales process.


✅ “Let’s schedule a follow-up call at your convenience to discuss the next steps.”

This sets the stage for the next phase of the sales process. By offering a follow-up call tailored to the lead’s schedule, you demonstrate flexibility and respect for their time.

This proactive approach ensures ongoing communication, allowing you to address any lingering questions or concerns, and delve deeper into their specific needs.

This call to action signals your commitment to their success and opens the door for further exploration of how your product or service can provide value to their business.


Don’t say…

❌ “I don’t have all the answers right now, but I’ll figure it out later.”

Avoid giving vague or uncertain responses. Instead, if you don’t have an immediate answer to a prospect’s question, assure them that you’ll follow up promptly with accurate information.

This shows professionalism and a commitment to providing valuable insights. Being honest about needing time to research the best response demonstrates your dedication to offering well-informed solutions.

By assuring a timely follow-up, you maintain credibility and keep the prospect engaged in the sales process.

✅ Instead, say: “That’s a great question. Let me look into the specifics and provide you with a comprehensive answer shortly. When would be the best time for me to get back to you with the information?”


❌ “We have a limited-time offer that you must take advantage of right now.”

Avoid using high-pressure sales tactics or creating false urgency. Instead, focus on highlighting the long-term benefits of your solution. Emphasize how your product or service can address the prospect’s pain points and contribute to their overall success.

By shifting the focus to the value your offering brings, you establish a more genuine and customer-centric approach. This builds trust and allows the prospect to make an informed decision based on the benefits they stand to gain.

✅ Instead, say: “Our solution offers long-term benefits that can significantly impact your business. Let’s explore how it can address your specific challenges and contribute to your success.”


❌ “Our product/service is the best in the market, and you won’t find anything better.”

Avoid using overly boastful language or making unsubstantiated claims. Instead, focus on conveying the unique value your solution brings to the prospect’s business. Highlight specific features and benefits that set your product/service apart without directly undermining competitors.

By taking a more customer-centric approach and providing evidence of your solution’s effectiveness, you build credibility and trust with the prospect, allowing them to make an informed decision based on the real value you offer.

✅ Instead, say: “Our product/service is designed to address [specific pain point] and has proven success with clients in your industry. Let me share how our unique features can benefit your business.”


❌ “Is this a good time to talk?”

Avoid starting the conversation with a question that gives the prospect an easy way out. Starting with uncertainty may diminish your credibility. Instead, be confident and respectful of their time by assuming they are open to having a meaningful conversation.

Begin with a more assertive and engaging statement that shows your enthusiasm to discuss how your solution can address their specific needs. By taking a proactive approach, you set a positive tone for the call and demonstrate your commitment to providing value.

✅ Instead, say: “Thank you for taking my call today. I’m excited to discuss how our solution can help your business succeed.”


❌ “We offer a wide range of services/products, so what are you interested in?”

Refrain from putting the burden on the prospect to figure out what they need from your wide array of offerings. This approach can be overwhelming and may lead to a lost opportunity.

Instead, take the initiative to research the prospect’s specific needs beforehand and tailor your approach accordingly. Demonstrate your understanding of their industry and challenges, then suggest relevant solutions that align with their unique requirements.

By offering personalized recommendations, you position yourself as a valuable advisor, making it easier for the prospect to consider your offerings.

✅ Instead, say: “It sounds like our [specific service/product] can greatly benefit your business. Let’s explore how it can address your current challenges.”


❌ “Our competitors are terrible; you shouldn’t even consider them.”

Avoid badmouthing your competitors as it reflects negatively on your professionalism and may alienate the prospect. Instead, focus on highlighting the unique value your product or service brings to the table.

Emphasize your strengths and advantages without directly criticizing competitors. Presenting a positive and confident message will make the prospect more receptive to considering your offering without feeling pressured or defensive.

✅ Instead, say: “While our competitors offer some solutions, I’d like to showcase what sets our product/service apart and how it can specifically address your business needs.”


❌ “I’m just calling to introduce myself and my company.”

Avoid opening the call with a vague and self-centered statement. Instead, focus on addressing the prospect’s needs from the outset. Start the call by expressing genuine interest in understanding their business challenges and goals.

Clearly articulate the value your product or service can bring to their specific situation. By shifting the focus to the prospect and their unique requirements, you create a more engaging and customer-centric conversation that lays the foundation for a fruitful business relationship.

✅ Instead, say: “I’m excited to learn more about your business and explore how our solution can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.”



The phrases you use during your first call to a lead can significantly impact the outcome of the conversation. By being polite, attentive, and value-focused, you can create a positive impression and lay the foundation for a successful B2B sales journey.

Remember to personalize your approach, showcase evidence of your solution’s effectiveness, and avoid high-pressure language. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be well on your way to building strong relationships with potential clients.

Happy selling!

You got this, baby!


Lead Forensics

Lead Forensics offers invaluable support to B2B salespeople in their cold-calling and prospect research endeavors. By tracking and identifying anonymous website visitors, the tool provides critical insights into the companies and individuals showing interest in their website.

Armed with this information, sales professionals can prioritize prospects who have demonstrated genuine interest, enabling them to tailor their cold-calling approach and craft more personalized pitches.

Additionally, Lead Forensics offers deep analytics and engagement data, allowing sales teams to conduct thorough research on prospects’ behaviors, preferences, and pain points.

This level of understanding empowers salespeople to initiate meaningful conversations, address specific needs, and establish stronger connections during cold calls, leading to increased success rates and more productive relationships. Book a demo of our software here!

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