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How Graymatter won back a lapsed customer and closed a £150k deal

£150,000deal signed with a lapsed customer

167tender opportunities identified in six months

48hours to generate ROI

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About Graymatter

Graymatter are an award-winning integrated B2B agency with a difference. They connect the dots between marketing, sales and business processes to deliver best-in-class marketing, customer experience and customer value.

The Challenge

Graymatter’s commitment to insight drew them towards Lead Forensics. They joined Lead Forensics to understand their top-of-funnel opportunities, seeking smart solutions to leverage data about their leads.

Our Solution

Graymatter use filters and categories for each team member to ensure the right leads go to the right people. Their regional sales teams enjoy an accurate and actionable flow of leads with every new category they use.
Data is then further qualified with lead score modelling to ensure they reach out to their hottest leads and nurture the rest of their traffic.

The Result

Graymatter have seen an influx of pipeline opportunities, creating MQLs and SQLs which return commercial value at a fraction of the cost of traditional media strategies.

By understanding visitor behaviour, leveraging data signals, and focusing outreach in the right places, Graymatter turn their visitors into exciting opportunities. They even won back a client that previously lapsed, signing a £150,000 deal within 48 hours of applying the Lead Forensics visitor identification tools.

Lead Forensics visitor data gives us customer insights to build account based marketing campaigns and make data-rich, humanized outreach for our newfound leads.
Dave Pickering, Head of B2B at Graymatter

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