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Lead Forensics awarded six G2 badges in Summer Reports

Lead Forensics G2 badges Summer 2022

Lead Forensics are excited to have been recognized as Leaders and High Performers in six different categories in G2’s summer reports, having gained an additional badge since last quarter. Badges are determined based on high levels of customer satisfaction and likeliness to recommend ratings from real users on G2, the world's leading business solutions review website.

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We have been awarded the following G2 badges:

  • Leader – Marketing Account Intelligence
  • Leader – Europe Marketing Account Intelligence
  • Leader – United Kingdom Marketing Account Intelligence
  • Leader – Mid-Market Visitor Identification
  • Leader – Mid-Market Marketing Account Intelligence
  • High Performer – Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Tools

We have also retained our “Users Love Us” G2 badge.


What users said about Lead Forensics this quarter

“Lead Forensics gives my clients insights into existing clients’ consumption of their website (which helps their sales team improve their cross-selling abilities). It also allows them to search the LinkedIn database to find the right contact by location and job title – and reach out to them via LinkedIn, email or a phone call. 

“Just one sale to one client (new or existing on a different service) pays for this platform for a minimum of 5-10 years. And, that is just finding one viable client in a 12-month period. I have now reached out to colleagues in different industries and they are seeing the value in this platform.”

“I can search each day and see who is looking. I can also search for a time period too – to see month by month figures. I also segment the viewers into Customers, Prospects and Targets (and non Customers too – Competitors for example). This gives all viewers a colour code and type which can be searched on. You can see new viewers at a glance. Knowing which customers are watching your website can be very useful information for the Account Managers.”

“The ability to intercept the visitors to my business webpage and immediately forward it to the relevant salesperson with the history of the visited pages is very useful. In this way, we can understand the intentions of the visitor (and potential customer).”


Drawing on the world’s largest database of business IP addresses, Lead Forensics shows you who is visiting your website, along with contact details of key decision-makers and detailed website analytics. This way, you have everything you need to reach out to the right person, with the right information, at just the right time. Book your Lead Forensics demonstration here.

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