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Sales Webinar: Building Exceptional Sales Person-Prospect Rapport

This sales webinar has been curated especially for sales professionals, and features expert advice to help you build excellent rapport with prospects, with actionable tips for you to leverage within your sales calls.

Webinar topic detail

Sales webinar!

During this 30-minute virtual-live session, we discussed the benefits and actionable techniques to build lasting relationships with clients from businesses along the sales timeline from start to finish. With Tyler’s vast experience and proven results, he will explain the tricks of the trade that preparation and personality can level up a salesperson’s calls.

This webinar is one of our most popular, previously attended by over 3,000 Sales professionals – we didn’t want you to miss out, so we’ve revised and updated it to give you another chance to catch it!


• What rapport is and why it is so important
• How to build rapport with existing and new customers
• Why you need to change your approach for millennial’s
• What things to look for in your sales call prep
• How to leverage information to guide a call
• Why building a relationship with gatekeepers is important

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Key Speakers

Gary Gower

Partnership Development Manager

Lead Forensics

Tyler Witt

Senior US Sales Manager

Lead Forensics